
Árukereső is a Hungarian price comparator really similar to Compari. After some initial setup in the platform, we are able to provide you with daily refreshed data. Follow the tutorial and see how.

Step 1: Preparation

To be able to connect to Árukereső, you have to whitelist incoming API calls to the platform on the API Config page. After that, the connector will be able to run on a daily basis.

Login to Árukereső and open the admin section (you can also use this link to get there)

On this page, you will have to perform two actions:

  • generate an API key

  • set an IPv4 range

Generating the API key

A key needs to be generated for the ROIVENUE Connector to be able to connect to the platform. To do that, simply click on this button:

This key will be copied to your clipboard. It will be used later in the authorization. Keep it safe and secure.

Set 2 IPv4 ranges

To make usage of the connectors error-proof, you need to set IP and IPv4 addresses to these input fields like this.

This will allow ROIVENUE to pull data from the platform everyday.

Before we can authorize ROIVENUE connectors, have the API Key from the previous step in your clipboard.

Step 2: Authorization of the connector in ROIVENUE

Now we have everything ready to finish the authorization. Go to ROIVENUE connectors, choose Árukereső platform, input the appropriate email address and copy-paste the key into the field.

Step 3: See the data!

After this step, continue with the rest of the setup process. Once finished, the connector will be downloading your data every day, first thing in the morning.

Last updated